Gianna T.

Gianna was born with Down Syndrome and a heart defect called an ASVD. When she was born, she passed the APGAR test with a 9 out of 10 and never needed to go to the NICU. I knew from that moment she was strong and would be a fighter. At 1 month old, she started to show symptoms of heart failure and was put on various medications until we could get her big enough for heart surgery. At 6 months old, weighing 10 pounds, Gianna had her open-heart surgery at Shands in Gainesville. The surgery was successful, and we were back home 7 days later.

Almost a year later, Gianna came down with a virus. Weeks went by and she was getting worse instead of better. After multiple trips to the pediatrician, urgent care, and the emergency room, she was finally admitted to Palms West Hospital. She was dehydrated, lethargic, and her oxygen was low. They put her on supplemental oxygen, but her numbers were dropping lower and lower.

A week later, the doctors transferred her to the Pediatric ICU where she was put on high-flow oxygen, but her numbers continued to drop. Her little body was working so hard to breathe and the doctors told us the only choice we had was to intubate her and put her on life support.

Palms West has an amazing social worker, Millie, who introduced us to Lori from Chasin A Dream. Two days later, a backpack full of goodies was dropped off to the ICU. The things inside the backpack were more than we could have ever asked for. The support from Chasin A Dream touched our hearts during the darkest time of our life.

 It was a long road to recovery but Gianna is doing wonderful now! She loves to play soccer, attends gymnastics and dance class. She is absolutely thriving. Eventually she may need another heart surgery, but for now we are enjoying our healthy little girl.

Anna Weinlick