Eli M.

Our story begins in May when Elijah and Luca, my youngest, got salmonella. Luca was the one that got it first but something felt different because even though they both had it, Elijah seemed to be the sickest. It took a few weeks for them to start to feel better. A few weeks pass by and Elijah got sick again. High fevers, chills, wanting to sleep all day, not eating, and throwing up. A couple days go by and he starts to be himself again and feeling better.

Elijah loves to dance. When he was a baby, sometimes the only thing that calmed him down was putting music on. We always said he was going to become a dj when he gets older. Usually when kids have their tablets they want to watch YouTube or play games, but Elijah would have on the radio music app and just listen to music and dance the entire time. When Elijah isn’t dancing and just sitting down with his tablet in his hand just listening to the music, something is usually wrong. 

My sister and my nephew flew down here from New York to spend July 4th with us. When she got here we noticed that my nephew was sick. By the time it was July 3rd which was only 2 days after she got here, we went to an air b n b and noticed each one of my kids started to get sick. By July 5th, Elijah woke up that morning with a high fever, very sleepy, and didn’t want to eat. We also noticed other symptoms that were odd. As usual, he was the kid that would stay sick the longest and have worse symptoms but we always thought it was just because he as EoE so his immune system is different. A week goes by and we noticed the odd symptom kept getting worse so on July 10th I took him to his pediatrician. We got an ultrasound done and we just thought maybe he hurt himself while playing and we all just have the common cold so he can be tired from that. He was also walking funny, but we assumed that maybe the odd symptom he was experiencing was causing him to walk funny due to him being uncomfortable. But something felt off. Dad and I would be up late at night googling things. Our sweet little baby boy that is usually dancing around the living room, getting into things he isn’t supposed to be getting into, fighting with his brothers, eating all day long turned into a sweet little baby boy that wanted to go to sleep at 6 pm, didn’t want to eat at all even his favorite things, would try to eat and end up throwing up a few bites later, didn’t want to play with his brothers, and would lay down in the middle of the floor a few minutes after finally getting up. I remember picking him up July 11th to play with his brothers and he started crying that he just wanted to lay down on the couch. That’s when dad and I started to get an even stronger feeling that something is wrong. That night, he ate his typical dinner that we know he would eat. After a few bites, he started throwing up. We gave him a shower, and that’s when dad and I noticed another odd symptom. My sweet little baby boy that was chunky with cheeks was now skin and bones with a huge belly and sunken in eyes. I remember saying to my fiancé, “it just doesn’t make any sense, he hasn’t been eating and he’s skin and bones everywhere else, but his stomach is huge. That really concerns me”. On the morning of July 12th, Elijah slept in really late which was odd to us. I walked into his room, whispered to myself “please still be breathing”, saw he was still sleeping, and walked out of the room confused. A little while later he woke up, took one look at me, fell to the floor, and started screaming and crying. I immediately picked up my phone and called the pediatrician doctors office and told the nurse on the line “I know that I was just there 2 days ago, but something is wrong with him. He isn’t eating, he’s sleeping all day, doesn’t want to play, and screaming and crying day”. He just wanted to be by himself. 

Dad was at work so I took all 4 of my kids with me to the pediatrician doctors office. When we got in the room, she noticed that he didn’t even want my youngest to touch him and on his own, handed me his tablet to get looked at by her. I told her “please check everything including his iron. He’s pale, he’s lethargic, he’s skin and bones, and his eyes are sunken in. You can’t tell me something isn’t wrong with him”. That’s when she noticed that his stomach felt distended and his iron was lower than it usually is. She told me to go to the Gastro doctor and if I can’t get an appointment then to go straight to the hospital for a full scan. Thankfully I was able to get a gastro doctors appointment within an hour, and that’s when he told me that he found a mass on his stomach. My fiancé met us at the hospital from work and we took him straight to the hospital and that’s when we got the news that they found a tumor. 

Your whole world just stops. You never imagine that this will happen to you. You’re once happy, playing, dancing, always getting into trouble sweet little baby boy that already deals with so much with having EoE and a lot of allergies has cancer. I remember standing in the er screaming into my fiancés arms. A couple days after his biopsy, we got the news that it is Neuroblastoma. My whole world shattered again. I soon learned that I can not cry in front of him. He knows that he is sick but when I cry he will ask me “mommy, why are you mad?”. Elijah has stage 3 intermediate/stage 4 neuroblastoma. They say he has a unique case which worries us. He is ALK negative and MYNC negative with no spread to the bone marrow or bones so his tumor is localized, starting in his adrenal gland and grew very large near and around the kidney. But, when they looked under the microscope they found fast active cells. They said that it is dividing really fast and if we didn’t find it when we did, it would have spread. Because of this, they are treating him under high risk category making him a stage 4 as well. This includes 18 months of treatment with 5 cycles of chemo, stem cell retrieval, tumor removal surgery, high dose chemo, stem cell transplant (rescue), radiation, and immunotherapy. Many of this treatment has to be done in Miami, about 2 hours away from where we live. 

We have already completed 2 cycles of chemo and stem cell retrieval. Cycle 1 was really rough as this was the beginning of his diagnosis. His stomach was really distended from the tumor. He had a hard time breathing, his oxygen level were low, his heart rate was fast, his blood pressure was high, and he was throwing up. He had to be on oxygen for a few days and get nebulizer treatments. We also found out he was allergic to the dressing used to cover his chemo port so he developed a full abdominal body rash until we changed the dressing to IV3000. He wasn’t eating so they thought it as best to do a ng tube but after a few days we did take it out because it traumatized Elijah. We did start him on tpn feeds but because Elijah is so amazing, brave, and strong he showed them that he can eat and drink on his own. A few weeks after cycle 1 started, they physically saw that he is responding to chemo, and his appetite started to come back. After cycle 2, all Elijah does is eat which we are so happy about. 

September 11th starts cycle 3 and dad and I are really nervous. We hope he remains to be this amazing, strong, and brave sweet little baby boy. The oncology doctors think that he will have no problem with this cycle since he did so amazing during cycle 1 and cycle 2. 

We have been dealing with a lot of financial stress before this diagnosis. We are trying to be strong for Elijah during this time and with life not stopping, having 3 other kids at home, and other obstacles that we now have to face, we just keep asking to please pray for Elijah and our family. He is just so brave through this all. He knows what’s going on and will say “I go to the hospital and I get my special medicine”. My 3 year old is so much more brave and strong than dad and I ever will be. 

Whenever I tell my story about Elijah getting diagnosed, I always like to add to please be your child’s advocate. I truly believe the morning of July 12th, Elijah was indirectly crying out for help. He had no idea what was wrong with him and even though he is able to communicate with us, he didn’t understand why he felt this way. The only thing he was able to tell us was that his stomach hurt and he felt icky. This could have just been chalked up to be his EoE and the common cold since we were all sick during the time he was diagnosed. Please always be your child’s advocate. 


Anna Weinlick