Chasin a Dream Foundation

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Luke V.

At 16 weeks pregnant, I was advised that there was a 97% chance of my baby being born with Down Syndrome and possibly heart problems. The doctor was shocked to hear our response, "OK, but is it a boy or a girl!?" We knew this would take a little extra work, but we'd be repaid tenfold with the happiness that our baby BOY would bring! 

On November 25, 2021 we were blessed with the birth of our little Luke Oliver. After a doctor's examination, he was diagnosed with ASD, a hole in his heart. As of now, the surgeon would like to wait until he's about 3 or 4 years old to operate and repair the hole. However, in recent weeks, Luke has had issues with his breathing, like pneumonia and croup. After being given Amoxycillin for infection, he broke out in hives so now he's taking antihistamines as well. Any stress on his heart can be a dangerous thing. So he's going to be closely monitored by the cardiologist and seeing a pulmonologist to work on the breathing abnormalities. 

While life has brought lots of chaos, Luke is still the happiest baby and is on target with most of his milestones, having Down Syndrome and ASD has not taken the sunshine from him and we are so incredibly blessed to have him in our lives!