Chasin A Dream Foundation

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Addyson P.

Hi, My Name is Addyson Grace and I am 9 years old. I want to first start of by saying that I am a Christian and I know the Lord was with me in this all! In the beginning of August 2022, I started to have double vision in my right eye and had to go to the doctor to get it checked out with an MRI. After a LONG night in the Saint Mary’s ER, It was found that I had a tumor in my nasopharynx and had to be immediately flown to Nicklaus Children’s Hospital by helicopter with my dad.

We made it to Nicklaus very early in the morning and they got us in and admitted us very quickly. We then had to get some sleep and woke up early to do some more testing. Which included another MRI, a PET SCAN, then a biopsy with the ENT doctor to find out what type of tumor it was. It ended up being called Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma which was malignant. It was less than 5 cm and that is when we met Dr. Fadar.

She explained to us about the LONG journey ahead of needed to get surgery to put a port in and that we had to do another test of a Biopsy to make sure it hadn’t spread anywhere. Thank God after much prayer, we found that it didn’t spread, and we had to do 42 weeks of Chemotherapy and Radiation.

 It was a LOT of driving back and forth to MIAMI from WEST PALM BEACH. We put a total of 35,000 miles on our vehicle. I lost all my heart and a lot of weight through this journey. I had the best parents and little sister in the world with me every step of the way. I also had the generous help from organizations, especially Chasin A Dream foundation.

They helped in so many ways financially as well as making sure that we were doing ok. They gave us my first LAPTOP, a beautiful handmade pink dog, and a lot of toys not just for me but for my sister as well. My family and I, are extremely grateful for their help. I am giving the shorter version of the story but to sum it all up, It was a LONG journey but truly we look back and see it also flew by! I had many other tests done, some overnight and day stays at the hospital due to sicknesses, but we made it through. We had the best doctors and best support through the process.

I am happy to say that as of November 2023, we were listed in REMISSION and CANCER FREE! The Tumor shrunk less than an inch and I can see fine. My hair has grown back a lot, my weight is coming back, and I am able to get back to a new normal life of being a kid again. I still have some test to do and follow ups, and will get my port out in May sometime, but GOD is GOOD and He has a plan and a PURPOSE for me as stated in His word in Jeremiah 29:11.

Thank you for listening to my story even being the short version. I just want to say THANK YOU and I greatly appreciate CHASIN A DREAM FOUNDATION again for all they have done for me and my family! GOD BLESS!

Chasin A Dream Gala 2024

Update May 2024: Port Removal