Chasin A Dream Foundation

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A star baseball player and avid fisherman, 10-year-old Dayton’s life was derailed with a diagnosis of osteosarcoma — bone cancer. He had been suffering leg cramps, typical of many growing boys, but when they became debilitating his parents brought him to the doctor.

No one expected to hear the diagnosis which every parent fears. Years ago the treatment for Dayton’s cancer would be amputation, but new technology offered a surgical alternative.

Surgeons removed the distal femur and Dayton received a total knee replacement, in addition to having a rod implanted. Dayton’s mom Megan explained that expanders are used with magnets instead of surgery each time so the ligaments don’t get stressed. Dayton has a lot of growing to do and once he reaches adulthood he will have a permanent replacement.

Dayton is currently having a tough time adjusting to his chemotherapy and other treatments and was recently readmitted to the hospital where he had a platelet transfusion.

Dayton is a master Lego builder, loves spending time with his dog Daryl, hanging out with daily and friends in Tequesta and has a new love of golf.

December 2, 2017: 

Chasin A Dream and Jeff Orr of J Town Bikes surprised Dayton with a three wheeler bike. Since Dayton was diagnosed with bone cancer and had a major portion of his bone removed in his leg, he has never been able to ride a bike and he can’t risk falling off of a two wheeler. With a three wheeler he doesn’t need to worry about falling off, and it will be therapy. He can’t bend his knee right now very well, so it will be baby steps. But it will get him back out there with his friends and give him motivation to do his therapy.

January 9, 2018:

Dayton has been working really hard in therapy and using the three-wheeler we purchased for him to increase motion in his leg. Today he was able to actually push the pedal completely around and ride the bicycle. He has been working so hard toward this and this has given him renewed motivation to keep pushing and getting that leg stronger.

You can follow him on Instagram at: dayton_da_kid.

January, 2019:  

Dayton underwent his second surgery this past week and said he was having a tough time with the CPM machine they have attached to keep the knee bending. They didn’t need to re-drill the anchor in the bond and according to his dad, the leg is being good. He was released from the hospital and now the next phase of physical therapy begins.  He had a visit from Jorge Soler at Miami Children’s Hospital and in December received a really cool package from Jared Johnson of the Washington Nationals, who also hooked him up with a ton of swag from Avid.  Dayton is a huge fisherman and baseball player so this was really cool.

Update October 2023:

Dayton and Daisy ran into Lori at a local restaurant. Dayton is now a junior at high school, loves cars and drives a really cool vintage car, Betty White. Dayton is doing well, he has a surgery next month though. Dayton and Daisy is helping Chasin A Dream Foundation distributing Pumpkin Fest flyers around town and will also be volunteering at the event which is fantastic!

Hey Lori just wanted to let you know I had my final surgery ever and along this struggle I’ve had to deal with most of my life, you were there to make everything easier and happier for me I’m forever grateful for the role you played in all my recoveries. Thank you from me and my whole family ❤️